11.06.2013 04:05:42 |
5 : guuqgegfxdi |
4Wtfjz <a href="http://mrhjwsxrxivn.com/">mrhjwsxrxivn</a> |
09.06.2013 16:05:35 |
4 : Sdasfsdf |
Having close friends in direnfeft countries can be so challenging sometimes...one misses them so much and thinks about talking to them when something funny or sad happens. Thank you for the photo and the post, it made me thankful for all of my good friends around the globe - their hugs are just a phone call or chat away |
21.01.2007 12:45:23 |
3 : Manu |
auf deine frage zu antworten, ich hab jetzt paar bilder drinnen. sind nicht welt bewegend aber es sind paar.gg naja...hoff dir gehts gut? LG Bussl MAnu |
04.01.2007 22:46:12 |
2 : jimmy |
YO yO ..Sean Paul.. Im cruisin yo yo |
04.01.2007 07:55:33 |
1 : natalie |
hiii mausal!
wie gehts dir? morgen is eh wieder bollwerk angesagt gö?! unser hp is guad woan gö?! i was eh! gg najo schreibst hoid do zruck! baba hdgggggggggggg...dl nati |